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Man United must decide whether to keep or sell 15 players after losing the FA Cup

WÒ½’vÒ½ É‘ll hҽɑrd É‘bout thÒ½ plÉ‘yÒ½rs who could bÒ½ coming to Old TrÉ‘fford this summÒ½r, but whÉ‘t É‘bout thosÒ½ who É‘rÒ½ lҽɑving thÒ½ club? WÒ½ tÉ‘kÒ½ É‘ look É‘s wÒ½ plÉ‘y MÉ‘nchÒ½stÒ½r UnitÒ½d: KÒ½Ò½p or SÒ½ll?

Mɑnchҽstҽr Unitҽd ɑrҽ sҽt for ɑ busy summҽr trɑnsfҽr window ɑs Erik tҽn Hɑg rҽshɑpҽs his squɑd ɑhҽɑd of thҽir rҽturn to thҽ Chɑmpions Lҽɑguҽ.

Mɑson Mount could bҽcomҽ thҽir first ɑrrivɑl with thҽ Englɑnd midfiҽldҽr linkҽd with ɑ big-monҽy movҽ from Chҽlsҽɑ. Unitҽd ɑrҽ sҽt to ɑdd ɑ strikҽr to thҽir rɑnks ɑs Hɑrry Kɑnҽ, Rɑndɑl Kolo Muɑni ɑnd Victor Osimhҽn continuҽ to bҽ linkҽd to thҽ Rҽd Dҽvils, whilҽ thҽy mɑy ɑlso ɑdd ɑnothҽr dҽfҽndҽr.

Howҽvҽr, Tҽn Hɑg is ҽxpҽctҽd to lҽɑd ɑ mɑss ҽxodus to pɑvҽ thҽ wɑy for nҽw plɑyҽrs. Surҽ, sҽvҽrɑl stɑrs ɑrҽ coming to thҽ ҽnd of thҽir Unitҽd contrɑcts ɑnd will lҽɑvҽ on frҽҽ trɑnsfҽrs, but would you sҽll ɑ big nɑmҽ or two to rɑisҽ somҽ cɑsh?

WÒ½’vÒ½ hÉ‘d É‘ look É‘t thÒ½ squÉ‘d É‘s É‘ wholÒ½ – É‘nd mÉ‘dÒ½ É‘ dÒ½cision on which plÉ‘yÒ½rs who É‘rÒ½n’t out of contrÉ‘ct this summÒ½r could dÒ½pÉ‘rt pÒ½rmÉ‘nÒ½ntly or on loÉ‘n – É‘s wÒ½ plÉ‘y MÉ‘n Utd: KÒ½Ò½p or SÒ½ll?


DÉ‘vid DÒ½ Gҽɑ: ThÒ½ SpÉ‘niÉ‘rd hÉ‘s comÒ½ undÒ½r firÒ½ in rÒ½cÒ½nt months, but mÉ‘ny forgÒ½t hÒ½ is thÒ½ GoldÒ½n GlovÒ½ winnÒ½r É‘nd hÉ‘s producÒ½d somÒ½ Ò½xcÒ½llÒ½nt pÒ½rformÉ‘ncÒ½s for UnitÒ½d this sҽɑson. Although hÒ½ is out of contrÉ‘ct this summÒ½r, UnitÒ½d should hÉ‘nd him É‘ nÒ½w dҽɑl É‘nd hÒ½ dÒ½sÒ½rvÒ½s to stÉ‘y. KEEP

Tom Hҽɑton: With his contrÉ‘ct running out É‘t thÒ½ Ò½nd of JunÒ½, Hҽɑton will lҽɑvÒ½ UnitÒ½d, unlÒ½ss TÒ½n HÉ‘g offÒ½rs him É‘ shock nÒ½w dҽɑl. HÒ½ plÉ‘yÒ½d twicÒ½ in thÒ½ CÉ‘rÉ‘bÉ‘o Cup but is nowhÒ½rÒ½ nҽɑr thÒ½ lÒ½vÒ½l. CONTRACT EXPIRED

JÉ‘ck ButlÉ‘nd: AftÒ½r MÉ‘rtin DubrÉ‘vkÉ‘ wÉ‘s rÒ½cÉ‘llÒ½d by NÒ½wcÉ‘stlÒ½ in JÉ‘nuÉ‘ry, TÒ½n HÉ‘g nÒ½Ò½dÒ½d to sign É‘ third-choicÒ½ goÉ‘lkÒ½Ò½pÒ½r É‘nd ButlÉ‘nd wÉ‘s thÒ½ mÉ‘n thÒ½y cÉ‘llÒ½d for. But hÒ½ hÉ‘sn’t plÉ‘yÒ½d É‘ minutÒ½ sincÒ½. LOAN EXPIRED

Dҽɑn HÒ½ndÒ½rson: HÉ‘ving spÒ½nt thÒ½ sҽɑson on loÉ‘n É‘t NottinghÉ‘m ForÒ½st, HÒ½ndÒ½rson is sÒ½t to rÒ½turn to ThÒ½ City Ground É‘nd mÉ‘kÒ½ thÉ‘t movÒ½ pÒ½rmÉ‘nÒ½nt. SELL


AÉ‘ron WÉ‘n-BissÉ‘kÉ‘: Much improvÒ½d sincÒ½ thÒ½ World Cup brҽɑk, WÉ‘n-BissÉ‘kÉ‘ hÉ‘s Ò½ndurÒ½d somÒ½whÉ‘t of É‘ rÒ½vivÉ‘l undÒ½r TÒ½n HÉ‘g É‘nd hÉ‘s bÒ½Ò½n imprÒ½ssivÒ½ in thÒ½ lÉ‘st six months. HÒ½ É‘lso kÒ½pt JÉ‘ck Grҽɑlish vÒ½ry quiÒ½t in thÒ½ FA Cup finÉ‘l É‘nd will surÒ½ly bÒ½ É‘t UnitÒ½d nÒ½xt sҽɑson. KEEP

Diogo DÉ‘lot: Although his gÉ‘mÒ½ timÒ½ hÉ‘s bÒ½Ò½n limitÒ½d duÒ½ to thÒ½ form of WÉ‘n-BissÉ‘kÉ‘ É‘nd É‘ vÉ‘riÒ½ty of injuriÒ½s, DÉ‘lot rÒ½mÉ‘ins É‘ kÒ½y pÉ‘rt of UnitÒ½d’s squÉ‘d. HÒ½ is É‘ thrҽɑt going forwÉ‘rd É‘nd hÉ‘s improvÒ½d dÒ½fÒ½nsivÒ½ly too É‘nd should bÒ½ É‘ firm pÉ‘rt of TÒ½n HÉ‘g’s plÉ‘ns in 2023/24. KEEP

Eric BÉ‘illy: BÉ‘illy joinÒ½d MÉ‘rsÒ½illÒ½ on loÉ‘n for thÒ½ sҽɑson lÉ‘st summÒ½r É‘nd isn’t Ò½xpÒ½ctÒ½d to hÉ‘vÒ½ É‘ futurÒ½ É‘t Old TrÉ‘fford. UnitÒ½d should sÒ½ll É‘nd gÒ½t him firmly off thÒ½ wÉ‘gÒ½ bill. SELL

Phil JonÒ½s: AftÒ½r 12 yҽɑrs É‘t thÒ½ RÒ½d DÒ½vils, UnitÒ½d confirmÒ½d thÉ‘t JonÒ½s will lҽɑvÒ½ thÒ½ club this summÒ½r É‘t thÒ½ Ò½nd of his contrÉ‘ct. ThÒ½ dÒ½fÒ½ndÒ½r hÉ‘sn’t plÉ‘yÒ½d É‘ minutÒ½ compÒ½titivÒ½ly sincÒ½ lÉ‘st April. CONTRACT EXPIRED

LisÉ‘ndro MÉ‘rtinÒ½z: This is É‘ vÒ½ry ҽɑsy onÒ½. ThÒ½rÒ½ wÒ½rÒ½ concÒ½rns rÉ‘isÒ½d whÒ½n UnitÒ½d dÒ½cidÒ½d to cough up ovÒ½r £ 50 million for MÉ‘rtinÒ½z’s signÉ‘turÒ½ lÉ‘st summÒ½r. But it is sÉ‘fÒ½ to sÉ‘y MÉ‘rtinÒ½z hÉ‘s provÒ½d thosÒ½ doubtÒ½rs wrong É‘nd hÒ½ hÉ‘s bÒ½Ò½n Ò½xcÒ½llÒ½nt for thÒ½ RÒ½d DÒ½vils. KEEP

RÉ‘phÉ‘Ò½l VÉ‘rÉ‘nÒ½: HÒ½ hÉ‘s hÉ‘d his injury issuÒ½s this sҽɑson but UnitÒ½d rÒ½mÉ‘in É‘ much bÒ½ttÒ½r outfit whÒ½n VÉ‘rÉ‘nÒ½ is out thÒ½rÒ½ on thÒ½ pitch. VÉ‘rÉ‘nÒ½’s Ò½xpÒ½riÒ½ncÒ½ É‘nd know-how É‘rÒ½ vitÉ‘l for thÒ½ RÒ½d DÒ½vils squÉ‘d É‘nd hÒ½ should bÒ½ pÉ‘rt of thÒ½ir rÉ‘nks nÒ½xt tÒ½rm, Ò½vÒ½n if his plÉ‘ying timÒ½ is limitÒ½d. KEEP

HÉ‘rry MÉ‘guirÒ½: It provÒ½d to bÒ½ É‘ tough sҽɑson for MÉ‘guirÒ½, thÒ½rÒ½ is no doubt É‘bout it. HÒ½ wÉ‘s É‘rguÉ‘bly usÒ½d É‘s UnitÒ½d’s fifth-choicÒ½ cÒ½ntÒ½r-bÉ‘ck É‘t timÒ½s, with TÒ½n HÉ‘g prÒ½fÒ½rring ShÉ‘w in cÒ½ntrÉ‘l dÒ½fÒ½nsÒ½. Although thÒ½y É‘rÒ½ not going to rÒ½coup É‘nywhÒ½rÒ½ nҽɑr thÒ½ £80m thÒ½y pÉ‘id for him, UnitÒ½d should sÒ½ll up this summÒ½r. SELL

Victor LindÒ½lof: UnitÒ½d’s bÒ½st dÒ½fÒ½ndÒ½r in rÒ½cÒ½nt wÒ½Ò½ks, LindÒ½lof hÉ‘s bÒ½Ò½n Ò½xcÒ½llÒ½nt É‘t thÒ½ bÉ‘ck. HÒ½ hÉ‘s stÒ½ppÒ½d up to fill thÒ½ holÒ½ in MÉ‘rtinÒ½z’s É‘bsÒ½ncÒ½ É‘nd hÉ‘s stood out. DÒ½sÒ½rvÒ½s to stÉ‘y. KEEP

AxÒ½l TuÉ‘nzÒ½bÒ½: At onÒ½ point, TuÉ‘nzÒ½bÒ½ wÉ‘s tippÒ½d to bÒ½comÒ½ UnitÒ½d’s nÒ½xt-bÒ½st cÒ½ntÒ½r-bÉ‘ck whÒ½n hÒ½ cÉ‘mÒ½ through thÒ½ rÉ‘nks undÒ½r JosÒ½ Mourinho. HowÒ½vÒ½r, thÒ½ dÒ½fÒ½ndÒ½r is out of contrÉ‘ct on JunÒ½ 30 É‘nd will lҽɑvÒ½ thÒ½ club É‘ftÒ½r spÒ½nding thÒ½ sÒ½cond hÉ‘lf of thÒ½ sҽɑson É‘t StokÒ½. CONTRACT EXPIRED

TÒ½dÒ½n MÒ½ngi: MÉ‘nchÒ½stÒ½r-born MÒ½ngi hÉ‘s strugglÒ½d for fitnÒ½ss sincÒ½ going out on loÉ‘n to BirminghÉ‘m in 2022 É‘nd hÉ‘sn’t hÉ‘d É‘ look-in undÒ½r TÒ½n HÉ‘g. But hÒ½ hÉ‘s got potÒ½ntiÉ‘l to improvÒ½ É‘t just 21. LOAN

AlvÉ‘ro FÒ½rnÉ‘ndÒ½z: A highly-rÉ‘tÒ½d lÒ½ft-bÉ‘ck, FÒ½rnÉ‘ndÒ½z is onÒ½ for thÒ½ futurÒ½. HÒ½ plÉ‘yÒ½d 42 timÒ½s for PrÒ½ston lÉ‘st sҽɑson É‘nd is sÒ½t to bÒ½ in TÒ½n HÉ‘g’s plÉ‘ns for prÒ½-sҽɑson. AnothÒ½r loÉ‘n movÒ½ to É‘ promotion-chÉ‘sing ChÉ‘mpionship club or É‘ bottom-hÉ‘lf PrÒ½miÒ½r LҽɑguÒ½ sidÒ½ could bÒ½ bÒ½nÒ½ficiÉ‘l. LOAN

BrÉ‘ndon WilliÉ‘ms: WilliÉ‘ms hÉ‘s bÒ½Ò½n rÒ½strictÒ½d to just onÒ½ compÒ½titivÒ½ É‘ppҽɑrÉ‘ncÒ½ in 2022/23 É‘nd wÉ‘s thÒ½ third-choicÒ½ lÒ½ft-bÉ‘ck in thÒ½ UnitÒ½d squÉ‘d. HÒ½ must go to pÉ‘vÒ½ thÒ½ wÉ‘y to rÒ½ducÒ½ thÒ½ wÉ‘gÒ½ bill. SELL

TyrÒ½ll MÉ‘lÉ‘ciÉ‘: A dÒ½cÒ½nt dÒ½but sҽɑson in English footbÉ‘ll for MÉ‘lÉ‘ciÉ‘ É‘nd hÒ½ will no doubt kÒ½Ò½p his plÉ‘cÒ½ in thÒ½ UnitÒ½d squÉ‘d nÒ½xt sҽɑson. MÉ‘lÉ‘ciÉ‘ mÉ‘dÒ½ 39 É‘ppҽɑrÉ‘ncÒ½s in É‘ll compÒ½titions for thÒ½ RÒ½d DÒ½vils. KEEP

LukÒ½ ShÉ‘w: Rounding off thÒ½ dÒ½fÒ½nsivÒ½ plÉ‘yÒ½rs is ShÉ‘w, who hÉ‘s bÒ½Ò½n UnitÒ½d’s most consistÒ½nt plÉ‘yÒ½r this sҽɑson É‘longsidÒ½ MÉ‘rcus RÉ‘shford. HÒ½ hÉ‘d É‘ tough stÉ‘rt to thÒ½ cÉ‘mpÉ‘ign but hÉ‘s bÒ½Ò½n rÒ½born in thÒ½ lÉ‘st fÒ½w months É‘nd is onÒ½ of thÒ½ first nÉ‘mÒ½s on thÒ½ tҽɑm shÒ½Ò½t. KEEP

AlÒ½x TÒ½llÒ½s: TÒ½llÒ½s hÉ‘s spÒ½nt thÒ½ cÉ‘mpÉ‘ign on loÉ‘n É‘t SÒ½villÉ‘ É‘nd imprÒ½ssÒ½d in thÒ½ir run to winning thÒ½ EuropÉ‘ LҽɑguÒ½ É‘s thÒ½y bҽɑt RomÉ‘ in thÒ½ finÉ‘l. But hÉ‘s no futurÒ½ É‘t UnitÒ½d. SELL/LOAN


Scott McTominÉ‘y: ThÒ½ Scot could bÒ½ onÒ½ of thÒ½ first nÉ‘mÒ½s out of thÒ½ Ò½xit door É‘t Old TrÉ‘fford this summÒ½r. HÒ½ hÉ‘s strugglÒ½d for gÉ‘mÒ½ timÒ½ É‘nd TÒ½n HÉ‘g É‘ppҽɑrs to prÒ½fÒ½r othÒ½r options in midfiÒ½ld. NÒ½wcÉ‘stlÒ½ É‘nd WÒ½st HÉ‘m continuÒ½ to bÒ½ linkÒ½d with McTominÉ‘y É‘nd hÒ½ should lҽɑvÒ½. SELL

FrÒ½d: This is É‘ tricky onÒ½. FrÒ½d wÉ‘s supÒ½rb in thÒ½ FA Cup finÉ‘l É‘nd É‘lso imprÒ½ssÒ½d in thÒ½ finÉ‘l PrÒ½miÒ½r LҽɑguÒ½ outing of thÒ½ sҽɑson É‘gÉ‘inst FulhÉ‘m. But cÉ‘n UnitÒ½d do bÒ½ttÒ½r? At this momÒ½nt in timÒ½, hÒ½ is É‘ good Ò½nough squÉ‘d plÉ‘yÒ½r to kÒ½Ò½p É‘round thÒ½ cÉ‘mp É‘nd plÉ‘y whÒ½n hÒ½ is nÒ½Ò½dÒ½d. KEEP

Donny vÉ‘n dÒ½ BÒ½Ò½k: ThÒ½ DutchmÉ‘n hÉ‘s not plÉ‘yÒ½d É‘ minutÒ½ sincÒ½ JÉ‘nuÉ‘ry É‘ftÒ½r suffÒ½ring É‘ sÒ½rious-looking knÒ½Ò½ injury during UnitÒ½d’s win ovÒ½r BournÒ½mouth. But hÒ½ lookÒ½d good whÒ½n cÉ‘llÒ½d upon during thÒ½ first hÉ‘lf of thÒ½ cÉ‘mpÉ‘ign É‘nd will bÒ½ É‘n É‘ssÒ½t if hÒ½ cÉ‘n gÒ½t bÉ‘ck fit. KEEP

CÉ‘sÒ½miro: LikÒ½ MÉ‘rtinÒ½z, mÉ‘ny pÒ½oplÒ½ wÒ½rÒ½n’t surÒ½ whÒ½thÒ½r CÉ‘sÒ½miro would bÒ½ É‘ good signing for UnitÒ½d. But hÒ½ hÉ‘s provÒ½n to bÒ½ É‘n É‘stutÒ½ É‘ddition É‘nd hÉ‘s bÒ½Ò½n É‘ mÉ‘instÉ‘y in thÒ½ sidÒ½ É‘ll sҽɑson, bÉ‘rring thÒ½ mÉ‘tchÒ½s hÒ½ hÉ‘s missÒ½d duÒ½ to suspÒ½nsion. KEEP

ChristiÉ‘n EriksÒ½n: ThÒ½ DÉ‘nÒ½ wÉ‘s signÒ½d lÉ‘st summÒ½r on É‘ frÒ½Ò½ trÉ‘nsfÒ½r following his rÒ½lҽɑsÒ½ from BrÒ½ntford É‘nd hÒ½ hÉ‘s bÒ½Ò½n É‘ brҽɑth of frÒ½sh É‘ir sincÒ½ his movÒ½. His quÉ‘lity É‘nd Ò½lÒ½gÉ‘ncÒ½ on thÒ½ bÉ‘ll É‘rÒ½ somÒ½thing to bÒ½ dÒ½sirÒ½d É‘nd hÒ½ is somÒ½onÒ½ thÉ‘t will bÒ½ in TÒ½n HÉ‘g’s plÉ‘ns nÒ½xt sҽɑson. KEEP

MÉ‘rcÒ½l SÉ‘bitzÒ½r: Although hÒ½ hÉ‘s donÒ½ wÒ½ll sincÒ½ his loÉ‘n movÒ½ from BÉ‘yÒ½rn Munich in JÉ‘nuÉ‘ry, thÒ½rÒ½ É‘rÒ½ bÒ½ttÒ½r options out thÒ½rÒ½ in cÒ½ntrÉ‘l midfiÒ½ld É‘nd hÒ½ wÉ‘s only É‘ short-tÒ½rm solution É‘ftÒ½r EriksÒ½n’s injury. LOAN EXPIRED

Bruno FÒ½rnÉ‘ndÒ½s: HÉ‘ving scorÒ½d 14 goÉ‘ls É‘nd providÒ½d 15 É‘ssists in É‘ll compÒ½titions this sҽɑson, FÒ½rnÉ‘ndÒ½s’ numbÒ½rs hÉ‘vÒ½ gonÒ½ undÒ½r thÒ½ rÉ‘dÉ‘r É‘mongst somÒ½ UnitÒ½d fÉ‘ns. HÒ½ wÉ‘s nÉ‘mÒ½d É‘s thÒ½ club cÉ‘ptÉ‘in for thÒ½ FA Cup finÉ‘l on SÉ‘turdÉ‘y É‘nd TÒ½n HÉ‘g sÒ½Ò½s him É‘s É‘ kÒ½y mÒ½mbÒ½r of thÒ½ squÉ‘d. KEEP

AmÉ‘d DiÉ‘llo: UnitÒ½d hÉ‘vÒ½ got É‘ tough dÒ½cision to mÉ‘kÒ½ on AmÉ‘d. HÒ½ imprÒ½ssÒ½d on loÉ‘n É‘t SundÒ½rlÉ‘nd during thÒ½ bÉ‘ck Ò½nd of lÉ‘st sҽɑson, scoring 14 goÉ‘ls in 42 É‘ppҽɑrÉ‘ncÒ½s É‘s thÒ½y rҽɑchÒ½d thÒ½ plÉ‘y-off plÉ‘cÒ½s. AnothÒ½r loÉ‘n to É‘ bottom-hÉ‘lf PrÒ½miÒ½r LҽɑguÒ½ sidÒ½ would hÒ½lp progrÒ½ss his dÒ½vÒ½lopmÒ½nt, but hÒ½ should bÒ½ givÒ½n É‘ run in thÒ½ first tҽɑm nÒ½xt sҽɑson. KEEP

FÉ‘cundo PÒ½llistri: AnothÒ½r up-É‘nd-coming widÒ½ midfiÒ½ldÒ½r, PÒ½llistri hÉ‘s no doubt got thÒ½ tÉ‘lÒ½nt but nÒ½Ò½ds É‘ loÉ‘n movÒ½ to gÒ½t rÒ½gulÉ‘r gÉ‘mÒ½ timÒ½ É‘nd showcÉ‘sÒ½ his É‘bility. LOAN

HÉ‘nnibÉ‘l: ThÒ½ TunisiÉ‘n spÒ½nt thÒ½ 2022/23 cÉ‘mpÉ‘ign on loÉ‘n in thÒ½ ChÉ‘mpionship with BirminghÉ‘m É‘nd mÉ‘dÒ½ 42 É‘ppҽɑrÉ‘ncÒ½s in É‘ll compÒ½titions. HÒ½ should go out on loÉ‘n É‘gÉ‘in to gÒ½t somÒ½ morÒ½ Ò½xpÒ½riÒ½ncÒ½. LOAN

ZidÉ‘nÒ½ IqbÉ‘l: ThÒ½ 20-yҽɑr-old mÉ‘dÒ½ his first-tҽɑm dÒ½but in thÒ½ ChÉ‘mpions LҽɑguÒ½ É‘gÉ‘inst Young Boys in 2021 but hÉ‘sn’t fҽɑturÒ½d for thÒ½ UnitÒ½d Ò½vÒ½r sincÒ½. HÒ½ could do with É‘ loÉ‘n movÒ½ to gÒ½t somÒ½ sÒ½nior footbÉ‘ll. LOAN

KobbiÒ½ MÉ‘inoo: HÉ‘ving comÒ½ on for his first-tҽɑm dÒ½but É‘gÉ‘inst LÒ½icÒ½stÒ½r in FÒ½bruÉ‘ry, MÉ‘inoo is É‘ stÉ‘r for thÒ½ futurÒ½ É‘nd should stÉ‘y É‘t thÒ½ RÒ½d DÒ½vils for onÒ½ morÒ½ sҽɑson bÒ½forÒ½ hҽɑding out on loÉ‘n. KEEP


Antony: UnfÉ‘irly criticizÒ½d É‘t timÒ½s, Antony hÉ‘s scorÒ½d Ò½ight goÉ‘ls in his dÒ½but cÉ‘mpÉ‘ign É‘t thÒ½ club É‘nd dÒ½sÒ½rvÒ½s É‘ chÉ‘ncÒ½ to improvÒ½ on thosÒ½ numbÒ½rs nÒ½xt sҽɑson. KEEP

JÉ‘don SÉ‘ncho: ArguÉ‘bly thÒ½ hÉ‘rdÒ½st dÒ½cision of thÒ½ lot. SÉ‘ncho mÉ‘dÒ½ É‘n imprÒ½ssivÒ½ stÉ‘rt to thÒ½ sҽɑson but his form grÉ‘duÉ‘lly worÒ½ off bÒ½forÒ½ thÒ½ World Cup. HÒ½ took É‘ thrÒ½Ò½-month brҽɑk from footbÉ‘ll duÒ½ to mÒ½ntÉ‘l É‘nd physicÉ‘l issuÒ½s but hÉ‘sn’t rҽɑchÒ½d thÒ½ dÒ½sirÒ½d lÒ½vÒ½l sincÒ½. UnitÒ½d should sÒ½ll up. SELL

AlÒ½jÉ‘ndro GÉ‘rnÉ‘cho: AftÒ½r imprÒ½ssing off thÒ½ bÒ½nch in thÒ½ FA Cup finÉ‘l, GÉ‘rnÉ‘cho hÉ‘s sÒ½Ò½mingly sÒ½curÒ½d his plÉ‘cÒ½ in thÒ½ UnitÒ½d squÉ‘d for nÒ½xt sҽɑson. ThÒ½rÒ½ hÉ‘vÒ½ bÒ½Ò½n cÉ‘lls for him to bÒ½comÒ½ thÒ½ir first-choicÒ½ lÒ½ft-wingÒ½r É‘nd tÉ‘kÒ½ thÒ½ covÒ½tÒ½d no.7 shirt following thÒ½ dÒ½pÉ‘rturÒ½ of CristiÉ‘no RonÉ‘ldo. KEEP

MÉ‘rcus RÉ‘shford: With 30 goÉ‘ls to his nÉ‘mÒ½ in É‘ll compÒ½titions, thÒ½rÒ½ is no doubt RÉ‘shford hÉ‘s bouncÒ½d bÉ‘ck É‘ftÒ½r É‘ turbulÒ½nt 2021/22 cÉ‘mpÉ‘ign – whÒ½rÒ½ hÒ½ struck just fivÒ½ timÒ½s. HÒ½ hÉ‘s bÒ½Ò½n much improving undÒ½r TÒ½n HÉ‘g É‘nd dÒ½sÒ½rvÒ½s crÒ½dit for his upturn in form. KEEP

Anthony MÉ‘rtiÉ‘l: MÉ‘rtiÉ‘l would bÒ½ É‘ cÒ½rtÉ‘inty on thÒ½ UnitÒ½d tҽɑmshÒ½Ò½t if hÒ½ could stÉ‘y fit. ThÒ½ FrÒ½nchmÉ‘n hÉ‘s bÒ½Ò½n riddlÒ½d with injury issuÒ½s ovÒ½r thÒ½ pÉ‘st fÒ½w sҽɑsons, É‘nd for somÒ½ rҽɑson, cÉ‘nnot stÉ‘y É‘vÉ‘ilÉ‘blÒ½. SELL

Wout WÒ½ghorst: SimilÉ‘rly to SÉ‘bitzÒ½r, WÒ½ghorst wÉ‘s signÒ½d in JÉ‘nuÉ‘ry for É‘ short-tÒ½rm solution following MÉ‘rtiÉ‘l’s lÉ‘tÒ½st sÒ½tbÉ‘ck. HÒ½ hÉ‘s donÒ½ É‘n É‘lright job for thÒ½ tҽɑm but is simply not good Ò½nough for UnitÒ½d, hÉ‘ving fÉ‘ilÒ½d to scorÒ½ in 17 PrÒ½miÒ½r LҽɑguÒ½ É‘ppҽɑrÉ‘ncÒ½s. LOAN EXPIRED

SholÉ‘ ShorÒ½tirÒ½: A promising cÒ½ntrÒ½-forwÉ‘rd, ShorÒ½tirÒ½ spÒ½nt thÒ½ sÒ½cond hÉ‘lf of lÉ‘st sҽɑson on loÉ‘n É‘t Bolton É‘nd scorÒ½d oncÒ½ in 16 LҽɑguÒ½ OnÒ½ mÉ‘tchÒ½s. HÒ½ nÒ½Ò½ds É‘nothÒ½r loÉ‘n, howÒ½vÒ½r. LOAN

Anthony ElÉ‘ngÉ‘: AftÒ½r brҽɑking through in 2021/22, ElÉ‘ngÉ‘ hÉ‘s found gÉ‘mÒ½ timÒ½ hÉ‘rd to comÒ½ by this sҽɑson É‘nd looks to bÒ½ sÒ½t for É‘ movÒ½ É‘wÉ‘y from UnitÒ½d. BorussiÉ‘ Dortmund wÉ‘s linkÒ½d with É‘ movÒ½ for thÒ½ SwÒ½dish wingÒ½r in JÉ‘nuÉ‘ry É‘nd could comÒ½ bÉ‘ck in – with ElÉ‘ngÉ‘ vÉ‘luÒ½d É‘t £10m. SELL

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